Tuesday, 12 May 2015

New Housing, New Government; What can we expect? West Midlands RTPI Seminar

I was asked to speak at this event held in Stratford upon Avon on Tuesday 12 May 2015.

The following images show my presentation which, hopefully, provided some food for thought!

CLICK HERE for a pdf version.
CLICK HERE to access my speaker notes
In answer to questions I also suggested that several things could be inferred from my presentation. Put together these included:
1. That Green Belt and Open Countryside policies should be combined.
2. That the key gaps and green wedges penetrating built-up areas should be identified.
3. To consider the use of 'White Land' or Areas of Restraint to provide the flexibility and certainty for long term growth.
4. By long term this should look ahead for 40 maybe 50 years. This would provide the coherent and once in a lifetime recalibration of Green Belt.
5. The purposes of Green Belt should be refreshed to take account of current and anticipated circumstances. This especially applies in relation to assisting urban regeneration. This refresh should take account of the need to secure a sustainable pattern of development.
6. The preferred approach might involve a limited number of growth points including a mix of regeneration and other schemes. This would enable appropriate infrastructure to be provided and enable placemaking as well as reducing pressures for growth in remaining areas.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Futures Network West Midlands

Here is the url to the FNWM website: http://futuresnetworkwestmidlands.co.uk

This website explains all you need to know about network and how to become involved. You will also find all the FNWM publications including its recent manifesto.